Name * First Name Last Name Email * Subject * Checklist 1 Check each statement that has applied THROUGHOUT YOUR LIFE -- Checklists 1-3 My lifelong tendency has to be thin/lanky I find having a routine in life challenging My skin tends to be rough, dry My joints are fairly prominent My teeth are protruded and/or crooked My hair is kinky, curly, and tends to be dry or frizzy It is usually easy for me to lose weight & I usually have diffculty gaining weight I usuallly enjoy hot weather I tend to dislike wind I tend to dislike very dry climates Checklist 2 I have a medium build with medium bone structure I enjoy competitive activities & enjoy physical or intellectual challenges My teeth are medium-sized and/or a littel yellow (not stained) I have fair skin that sunburns easily I have lots of moles or freckles I have greyed early, deal with balding, or have thin fine hair My eyes are sensitive to light I prefer a cool climate to a warm one I dislike heat; especially humis heat, and feel easily fatigued by it I have a sharp, intelligent, aggressive mind Checklist 3 I have a sturdy constitution with a large bone structure I have had a lifelong tendency to always be at least a little overweight My teeth are naturally large, straight, and white My hair is thick and lustrous My eyes are large with long, full, luxurious lashes If given the opportunity, I can eaasily sleep deeply for 8-10 hours per night I gain weight easily & have difficulty losing weight My facial features are rounded with full, moist lips I tolerate most climates well, but have usually preferred hot, dry weather My energy & stamina are consistent. When I have a lot to do, I do it at a pace that can maintian for a long time Checklist A Check each statement that applies to you AT THIS TIME, PRESENTLY -- Checklists A-C I have been feeling nervous, fearful, panicky, anxious, or frantic I have twitches, tics, tremors, or spasms in my body & I fidget a lot My skin is dry and easily chapped I have been suffering from dry, hard stools, constipation, gas, or bloating, or I have been having loose stools due to emotional upset I feel I am underweight Lately, I have a stronger dislike of the wind and cold than usual I have a difficult time tolerating loud noise My sleep has been light, interupted, restless, or disturbed I feel scattered, spacey, and have difficulty concentrating, or have poor memeory I am prone to overthinking or worrying Checklist B I have red, inflamed, or burning rash, acne, or fever blisters There is accute inflammation in my body or joints I have acid reflux, heartburn, acid indigestion, or a gastric or peptic ulcer--or a tight, burning feeling in my stomach or digestive tract I feel nauseated or uncomfortable if I miss a meal I have been having loose stools that are not due to emotional upset I have been feeling uncomfortably warm or hot I have been feeling frustrated, irritable, or angry I can be easily judgemental, impatient, critical, or intolerant to others My eyes have been red, bloodshot, inflamed, or sensitive to light I expect perfection of myself or others Checklist C I have excess mucus in my body or nasal passages or lung congestion I have a thick, white coating on my tongue My bowel movemenrts are slow, sticky, sluggish, or feel incomplete I am overweight It is difficult for me to wake up in the mornings, even if I sleep 8-10 hours, and I feel lethargic throughout the day I have been feeling slow, foggy, dull, lethargic, or heavy In the morning I have to cough up a lot of mucus I have a deep, wet cough that produces a lot of mucus I feel complacent, stubborn, and resistant to any change--or my close friends and family tell me that I am very slow to change or to make a decision I am prone to excessive emotional eating, especially sweet, heavy foods Thank you!